Friday, March 23, 2007

Graz, Austria - continued. A walk around the City.

The first post about Graz was getting messy - I wanted to keep the picture somewhat in order, but the limitations of Blogger and indeed my inexperience was leading to me not being able to do this as I wanted to. So I'm returning to posting photos centered only(except the one here - I think I can control him).
There were a lot of bronze statues all over the place - Not sure who they were but they looked impressive. From here, we found ourselves in front of a tunnel - to where we did not know.

See. More statues!
And a building with exposed brick which seemed to be eroding away.
Turns out the tunnel was to the foot of the hill on which Graz'z most recognizable building sits - the clock tower. The path up to is was very steep - seemed like a great place for a workout.Said clock tower
One of the views from clock tower level. It's a pity it was so foggy.Thank You Graz!
The ruins pictured above are on the spot of, or part of a structure that stood on the spot in 1265.

The above sign made me laugh. Flower bulbs feel pain too!
Graz does weird trees pretty well.

A view from the bottom. A lot of steps.
Now I'm not exactly sure what this is but it's old.
Below are the balconies.

For those who didn't feel like the steps or the slopes, there was a tram.

We seen this strange looking architectural monstrosity and were somewhat confused about what it was.On closer investigation, we found it to be an art museum, the Kunsthaus Graz

Graz is Tram-tastic!

Two views of the same street.

The "Rathaus", or city hall.

A regular Grazian street - notice all the tram lines and tracks.
Above is a man-made island which contains a restaurant. We didn't go in there.

Above and below, check out the designs on the building.Now I've not got much of an idea what the mural above is at all about. A beach? In Austria?

And from there, we wandered around a bit more - it's pretty hard to find a restaurant that is open during the day in Graz. So, being in Austria, what better place to have food could there be than the Irish bar, Flann O Brien's. Turns out they were able to show the Detroit Pistons game, so my friend was happy. And from there it was back to the hotel, pack, sleep, rise, eat, and head to the airport to catch a plane to Stuttgart.

Slan to Graz for now.

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