Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas! and why we would be lost without the web

First - Merry Christmas! Again, it's a white one here in Michigan.

Second - an example of how we rely on the web just proved itself out. I looked out the window, and wondered if the temperature was above freezing. So, to find out how cold it was, I sat down at the computer, looked at and found out it was 29.7 degrees Fahrenheit, and clear. Alternatively I could have opened the door, and checked for myself. But that would have been too much hard work.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Rochester OPC - Older Persons Commission float - CHECK THE SPONSORS ON THE VAN IN FRONT!

At the Rochester Parade on Saturday, there was a float - The OPC (Older Persons Commission).
It's worth clicking on the pick below to blow it up, and take a look at the name of the sponsors on the van in front.

Way to go keeping the older people happy, Rochester! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 08, 2008

57th Annual Rochester Parade 2008

Cos you never know when you're going to need an APC in Oakland Sounty....

The sheriff making a rather scary salute from his tank. And wearing a brown coat....

In the Royal Oak Parade, the Lancers drove around in little cars. Should they have had an accident, or started any trouble, the little vehicles above would have been right there! (Thanks MAC!).

Above, note the tactically camouflaged wheels. It just blended right in.

Scouts! Nooo! Run and Hide!

Holey Smokes! It was most certainly not a day to be wearing a kilt!

See, there's nothing that says Christmas in Rochester more than a gorilla on a unicycle.

In case the gorilla on the unicycle was not bizarre enough, hows about a leprechaun on a golf cart in Rochester, MI, in December!

More about the above and below pictures here

Now, one time in Fort Wayne, IN, I read about ride-on mower square-dancing. I guess this is the wheelchair equivalent