look, I have no issue with people smoking. If you want to smoke then go ahead. In your own time. In your space. Not our space. Please follow these rules:
If you smoke, please don't take out health insurance, please save the equivilant of what you spend on cigarettes and use it when smoking makes you sick to pay for your healthcare. Don't rely on me to subsidise you.
If you smoke, do not do so around kids. Ever.
If you have a wheesy bad chest and are sick for something smoking causes, please dont smoke. It annoys me.
If you happen to be driving along and you get to the end of your cigarette, DO NOT throw it out the window, as its nasty and its fumes get into the car behind you. In particular dont do it if I'm behind you, because, if you catch me at a certain angle in a certain light, then you may not need to worry about smoking related ilnesses. Especially if it is on I696. On a nice airy morning
In fact, do not ever throw a cigarette but out the window of your car. What give YOU the right to litter?? Eat the dang thing. Stick it up your nose. Stick it samewhere else. Lit as well, you selfish tosser. Just do not make it someone elses problem. Got it?
When you get more colds than the rest of us, dont whine. Dont take time off work which the rest of us have to cover.
Do not EVER complain about drug users or addicts. no explanation needed.
Don't stand near me being all smelly wehn i want to enter/leave a building
Even when outdoors, do not throw the buts on the ground. Take them with you. Eat them.
Also, if you are a chick with long hair, driving on I696 around 8 last wednesday, DO NOT SMOKE, COMB UR HAIR, AND DRIVE AT THE SAME TIME! Cos you nearly took me and a half dozen others out.